Law firm in Dhaka are #Legal partner #Tls law firm #JURAL ACUITY #S Hossain & Associates and so on . Law firms in Dhaka City are very experienced in this law line .
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Law Firm in Dhaka
Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh and it’s one of the most populated cities in the world. Because of its high population density and lack of proper legislation, an increasing number of citizens are attempting to adjust their status as residents outside of its borders.
If you’re caught up in one of these legal problems, seek legal counsel at Law Firm In Dhaka to get answers to your questions and keep yourself protected.
Are you seeking the best law firm in Dhaka or best lawyer in Dhaka ?? Yes, you are right . A thousand websites are right about this content but 99% of them are old information. So Dhaka City team will make a quality content about 10 Best Law Firms in Dhaka City .
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Best law firm list in Dhaka
If you are in rush don’t worry , we made a list for you
- Legal Partner
- Barrister Shajib Mahmood Alam
- Barrister Tahmidur Rahman Remuera
- Roy & Associates
- Khan-Legal-Aid
- S Hossain & Associates Law Office
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Dhaka law firm:
# Legal Partner | Income tax lawyer:
Legal Partner is one of the best Income tax lawyers in Dhaka since 2004. Their area of practice includes Company, corporate, Investment, Power of Attorney, Trade Mark, any licensing, Tax, Arbitration, Land and any Civil & Criminal disputes. We are specialists in Company, corporate & Investment matters for Foreign Clients.
Address: House: 35 Road; 27( Old, Dhaka 1205)
Contact: 01783-359055
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#Barrister Shajib Mahmood Alam | criminal lawyers:
Shajib mahmood alam is another leading star in Bangladesh also called as best criminal lawyers in Dhaka according to his experience and success. His practice area including family matter support in Divorces, Child Custody cases, Civil Suit, Money Suit, Criminal Suit, Bail, Legal Notices, Power of Attorneys, Contracts etc.
Address: House 27 Rd -18, Dhaka 1230
Contact: 01772-114466
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# TAHMIDUR RAHMAN TLS | property lawyers:
Tahmidur rahman tls is another top class law firm in Dhaka also Ranked as one of the top law firms in Bangladesh .Tahmidur Rahman Remura is one of the best law firms in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The elite Law firm in Dhaka specializes in company formation, FDI, Property, IP, Family, Finance
Address: House 410, Road 29, Mohakhali DOHS
Contact: (+88) 01847220062 or +8801779127165