Dhaka to Barisal bus 2023
Are you seeking for Dhaka to Barisal bus ticket information , yes you are the right place . In this article we will know about Dhaka to Barisal bus ticket price and Dhaka to Barisal bus schedule .Nowadays to reach Barisal is very easy matter after complete our pride Padma Bridge . Dhaka to Barisal by bus distance is about 165 KM ,Bus ride will take 3 Hours to 4 Hours .
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Barisal in One of the most important division of southern Bangladesh ,the division is sour ended by Kirtonkhola River . The main transport to reach Barisal is Bus or Launch , everyday more then 40 bus operates between Dhaka to Barisal .
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Dhaka to Barisal Ac Bus:
Nowadays AC Bus services are more popular then non ac bus ,therefore Dhaka to Barisal Bus route have more then 10 AC bus operate daily in this route . let’s see Dhaka to Barisal AC Bus list:
Bus Operator | Fare | Contact Number |
Greenline Paribahan | 970 Tk - 1220 Tk | 01970-864497 |
Sakura Paribahan | 720 Tk | 01317-479142 |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS | 1020 Tk (Hyundai) | 01970-864497 |
EURO COACH | 1020 Tk (Sleeper) | 01317-479142 |
TR TRAVELS CLASSIC | 870 Tk | 01970-864497 |
GREEN SAINTMARTIN EXPRESS | 1020 Tk (Hyundai) | 01317-479142 |
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Barisal to Dhaka AC Bus:
Bus Operator | Fare | Contact Number |
Greenline Paribahan | 970 Tk - 1220 Tk | 01970-864497 |
Sakura Paribahan | 720 Tk | 01317-479142 |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS | 1020 Tk (Hyundai) | 01970-864497 |
EURO COACH | 1020 Tk (Sleeper) | 01317-479142 |
TR TRAVELS CLASSIC | 870 Tk | 01970-864497 |
GREEN SAINTMARTIN EXPRESS | 1020 Tk (Hyundai) | 01317-479142 |
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Dhaka to Barisal Non Ac Bus :
There are more then 20 non ac bus operator daily travel in this route , let’s see list of non ac bus service to go Dhaka to Barisal
Bus Operator | Fare | Number |
SAKURA PARIBAHAN | 520 Tk | 01970-864497 |
Euro Coach | 620 Tk | 01970-864497 |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS | 520 Tk | 01821-239324 |
WELCOME EXPRESS | 520 Tk | 01970-864497 |
ISLAM PARIBAHAN | 770 Tk | 01821-239324 |
GREEN SAINTMARTIN EXPRESS | 720 Tk | 01970-864497 |
SHANTI PARIBAHAN | 520 Tk | 01821-239324 |
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Barisal to Dhaka Non Ac Bus:
Bus Operator | Fare | Number |
SAKURA PARIBAHAN | 520 Tk | 01970-864497 |
Euro Coach | 620 Tk | 01970-864497 |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS | 520 Tk | 01821-239324 |
WELCOME EXPRESS | 520 Tk | 01970-864497 |
ISLAM PARIBAHAN | 770 Tk | 01821-239324 |
GREEN SAINTMARTIN EXPRESS | 720 Tk | 01970-864497 |
SHANTI PARIBAHAN | 520 Tk | 01821-239324 |
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Dhaka to Barisal bus ticket price:
As we know Dhaka to Barisal bus route distance is about 165 kilometer , so the ticket price of non ac bus start from 500 Tk and Ac bus ticket price start from 700 Tk.
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Dhaka to Barisal AC bus ticket price:
Dhaka to Barisal Ac bus ticket price are start from 700 Tk to 1000 Tk,let’s see ac bus price list
Bus Operator | Fare | Contact Number |
Greenline Paribahan | 970 Tk - 1220 Tk | 01970-864497 |
Sakura Paribahan | 720 Tk | 01317-479142 |
SHYAMOLI NR TRAVELS | 1020 Tk (Hyundai) | 01970-864497 |
EURO COACH | 1020 Tk (Sleeper) | 01317-479142 |
TR TRAVELS CLASSIC | 870 Tk | 01970-864497 |
GREEN SAINTMARTIN EXPRESS | 1020 Tk (Hyundai) | 01317-479142 |
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Dhaka to Barisal Sleeper Coach:
Euro Coach:
Euro coach is the first and latest sleeper coach in Dhaka to Barisal bus route ,The bus service is very new between their service is amazing . Euro Coach established August 7 2022 . In this bus you find 30 seats and Business class catalog .
Dhaka to Barisal Sleeper Coach Price:
The price of Dhaka City to Barisal sleeper coach is 1200 TK and Dhaka to Kuakata sleeper bus ticket price is 1800 Tk.
Counter Number:
Sayedabad Counter: 01970-864497
Barisal Counter : 01970-864497
Kuakata Counter: 01970-864497
Dhaka to Barisal Service & Contact Number:
#Dhaka to Barisal|Greenline Paribahan:
Green Line Paribahan is one of the leading bus operator in Dhaka to Barisal bus route .In this route Greenline Paribahan ac bus ticket price are 700 Tk.
9/2 Outer Circular Road,
Momenbagh, Rajarbagh.
#Dhaka to Barisal |Shakura Paribahan :
Sakura Paribahan is one of the leading bus operator in Dhaka to Barisal bus route and the important thing is Shakura paribahan providing the highest number of Ac & Non ac bus in Dhaka Barisal route. More then 5 thousand daily traveling via Sakura Paribahan. For our visitors inquiry ,today we will share deep information about Shakura Paribahan .
Sakura paribahan time schedule:
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Sakura Paribahan online ticket booking bd:
For buying Sakura Paribahan bus ticket just Click here Dhaka to Barisal Bus
Sakura paribahan contact number:
Most Experienced Driver in Sakura Paribahan:
Haider ali is the most experienced driver from Sakura Paribahan for Dhaka to Barisal bus route, let’s see

Surovi Paribahan|Dhaka to Barisal :
Surovi Paribahan is wings of Surovi shipping lines ,both Ac and Non Ac bus services available in their list .The ticket price of Surovi Paribahan is 700 Tk to 1000 Tk.
Counter Number:
Dhaka Counter:
Kalabagan Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01970-864497
Gabtali Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01970-864497
Nabinagar Counter, Dhaka
Phone: 01970-864497
Barisal Counter :
Barisal City Counter
Phone: 01970-864497
Bakerganj Counter, Barisal
Phone: 01970-864497
Gournadi Counter, Barisal district
Phone: 01970-864497
#Dhaka to Barisal | Sarbic Paribahan:
Sarbic Paribahan is another top leading bus operator in Dhaka Barisal Bus route ,everyday more then 20 bus traveling to this route . After making padma bridge the journey to Dhaka to Barisal is just 3 hours . Basically Sarbic paribahan is looking for best quality service provider they focus on quality not quantity . Sarbic Paribahan has lot’s of experienced driver to drive safe and comfortable journey .
Sarbic Paribahan Contact Number:
The contact number of Sarbic paribahan is 01821-239324.
Sarbic Paribahan Online Ticket:
To buy Sarbic paribahan Online bus ticket click here : Bus Ticket BD
Sarbic Paribahan Counter Number:
Sayedabad counter: 01970-864497
Barisal Counter : 01970-864497
Ahmed Travels | Dhaka to Barisal bus:
Ahmed travels is another mid level bus operator in Dhaka to Barisal bus route , they have both Ac bus services and Non Ac services .Everyday more then 120+ busses travel Dhaka to Barisal. The price of Ahmed Travels ac bus ticket is 800 Tk and Non Ac bus ticket price is 600 Tk .
Ahmeds Travels Contact Number:
The contact number of ahmed travels is 01970-864497.
Ahmeds Travels Online Ticket:
To buy ahmed travels Online bus ticket click here : Bus Ticket BD
Ahmed Travels Counter Number:
Sayedabad counter: 01970-864497
Barisal Counter : 01970-864497
Shymoli NR Travels | Dhaka to Barisal Bus:
Shymoli nr travels is another leading star in Dhaka to Barisal Bus Route.