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Dhaka to Sylhet Bus Schedule & Ticket Price 2024

Dhaka to Sylhet bus ticket price 2024

Are you seeking for Dhaka to Sylhet bus schedule and ticket price ? yes you are the right website ,There are lot of content about Dhaka to Sylhet bus but no one is perfect . So that Dhaka City write an article about Dhaka to Sylhet Bus Schedule & Ticket price 2022 .


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Sylhet is a city in eastern Bangladesh, on the Surma River. It’s known for its Sufi shrines, like the ornate tomb and mosque of 14th-century saint Hazrat Shah Jalal, now a major pilgrimage site near Dargah Gate, The distance of Dhaka to Sylhet is about 241 kilometer and take 5-6 hours to reach Sylhet from Dhaka .

Dhaka to Sylhet bus route is now a roll model of Bangladeshi transportation system, There are more then 100 bus available in this route .If you are planning for a trip to Sylhet then this article will help you a lot .

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Dhaka to Sylhet bus:

The top luxuries bus of Bangladesh are daily travel in this route ,let’s see available bus is Dhaka -Sylhet route:

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Sylhet to Dhaka Bus:

More then 50+ busses available in this route let’s see Sylhet to Dhaka bus:

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Dhaka to Sylhet Bus Ticket Price:

Dhaka to Sylhet bus ticket price are started from 650 Tk to 1500 Tk  and Dhaka to Sylhet green line bus ticket price are started from 1200Tk to 1500 Tk and Dhaka to Sylhet ena bus ticket price are starting from 680 Tk to 1200 Tk and Shyamoli Dhaka to Sylhet bus ticket price are started from 700 Tk to 1200 Tk and Dhaka to Sylhet unique bus ticket price is 700 Tk. let’s have a detail look about Dhaka to Sylhet Bus Ticket Price:

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Sylhet to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price:

Sylhet to Dhaka bus ticket price are started from 650 Tk to 1500 Tk and Sylhet to Dhaka green line bus ticket price are started from 1200 Tk to 1500 TK and Sylhet to Dhaka ENA bus ticket price are started from 700 Tk to 1300 Tk and Shymoli Sylhet to Dhaka bus ticket price are started from 700 Tk to 1200 Tk and Sylhet to Dhaka unique bus ticket price is 700 Tk. let’s have a detail look about Sylhet to Dhaka bus ticket price 2022:

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Dhaka to Sylhet Bus Schedule :

As we know every day more 100 + buses daily travel in Dhaka Sylhet bus route but when we are checking time schedule of that bus we are in trouble so Dhaka City made a complete list from morning to night those bus are daily travel in this route , let’s check it out :

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Sylhet to Dhaka Bus Schedule :

As we know every day more 100 + buses daily travel in Sylhet Dhaka bus route but when we are checking time schedule of that bus we are in trouble so Dhaka City made a complete list from morning to night those bus are daily travel in this route , let’s check it out :

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Dhaka to Sylhet online bus ticket:

Nowadays it’s very easy to purchase a bus ticket from online ,for booking online ticket just go here : Bus Ticket BD or

call here : 01821-239324

Best bus in Dhaka to Sylhet:

There are a lot of luxuries bus available in this route , let’s see some luxuries bus operator in Dhaka to Sylhet bus route:

#London Express | Dhaka to Sylhet: 

London express is one of the leading bus service in Bangladesh also in Dhaka to Sylhet route ,they don’t have any Non Ac bus services . If you are planning for a trip to Sylhet with sleeper coach then London Express will be the best option. The ticket price of London express in Dhaka to Sylhet is started from 1200 TK to 3500 TK.

London Express Counter :

Kalabagan Counter: 01821-239324

Sylhet Counter: 01821-239324

London express Dhaka to Sylhet ticket price:

The ticket price of London express Dhaka to Sylhet is started from 1500 Tk to 3500 Tk.

#Ena Paribahan | Reasonable Price bus :

Ena paribahan is another best bus in Dhaka to Sylhet route and one of the most popular bus company in Bangladesh. This bus service run the whole Bangladesh, some famous ena bus route are Dhaka to Sylhet ,Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar , and Dhaka to Bogra -Rangpur .

Ena paribahan pvt limited was established in 1984 .

Dhaka to Sylhet bus ticket price ena paribahan:

The ticket price of Dhaka to Sylhet bus ticket price ena paribahan is started from 1200 Tk – 1800 Tk.

Counter Number:

Arambagh Counter: 01821-239324

Sayedabad Counter : 01821-239324

Sylhet Counter: 01821-239324

#SaintMartin Paribahan | Non AC Business:

Saintmartin paribahan
Saintmartin paribahan

Another Icon star of Dhaka to Sylhet route , more then 10 bus daily travel in this route .Saintmartin Paribahan is one of the best transport service in Bangladesh. Good news for our honorable passengers that we are starting wi-fi Zone.

Ticket price of Saintmartin Paribahan Dhaka to Sylhet:

The ticket price of Dhaka to Sylhet saintmartin paribahan is 1000 Tk to 1500 TK.

Counter Number :

Dhaka Counter :01821-239324

Sylhet Counter:01821-239324

#GreenLine Paribahan | Luxury bus service: 

#Unique Paribahan | Dhaka to Sylhet bus:

#Hanif Enterprise | Brand: