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Dhaka to Khagrachhari Bus Ticket Price & Schedule 2024

Are you seeking for Dhaka to Khagrachari bus schedule or ticket price ? Yes you are right website . Lot’s of website write about this type of content but no one is perfect . That’s why Dhaka Digital made a quality content about Dhaka to Khagrachari bus.

Dhaka to Khagrachari Bus

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If you are traveler you must heard about Khagrachari , cause the most attractive tourist spot in Bangladesh are located at Beautifull Khagrachari . Khagrachari is a district in the Chittagong Division, Southeastern Bangladesh. It’s inclusive under The Hill Tracts region and part of one of many hill districts such as Rangamati or Bandarban with its neighbors to the South.

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Khagrachari has a number of sites that are popular with tourists, including Sajek Valley and other locations. Every day an estimated thousand locals & foreign visitors go to visit these attractions in Khagarachari.

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The distance between Dhaka City to Khagrachari is 273 k.m long. If you are looking for the most comfortable way of traveling from Dhaka to Khagrachari, then it is important that find out when your next bus leaves. In this article, we will share Dhaka to Khagrachari Bus Information, Schedule, & Ticket price with details. let’s start:

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Dhaka to Khagrachari bus schedule:

Daily more then 50 + busses travel Dhaka to Khagrachari including ac and non ac , let’s see Dhaka to Khagrachari Ac bus schedule & Non ac bus schedule :

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Khagrachari to Dhaka bus Schedule 2024:

Daily more then 50 + busses travel Khagrachari to Dhaka including ac and non ac , let’s see Dhaka to Khagrachari Ac bus schedule & Non ac bus schedule :

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Dhaka to khagrachari bus ticket price 2023:

Bus ticket price are started from 650 Tk to 1500 Tk ,let’s see ticket price list:

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Khagrachari to Dhaka bus ticket price 2024:

Bus ticket price are started from 650 Tk to 1500 Tk ,let’s see ticket price list:

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Dhaka to khagrachari bus ticket online:

To buy online ticket just go here BUS Ticket BD or call : 01970864497

Chittagong to khagrachari bus:

Chittagong to Khagrachari bus schedule are given below:

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Chittagong to khagrachari bus ticket price:

Bus ticket price are started from 650 Tk to 1500 Tk ,let’s see ticket price list:

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Best bus in Dhaka to Khagrachari :

#SaintMartin Paribahan | Dhaka to Khagrachari:

Saintmartin paribahan is one of the leading bus operator in this hill track ,if you want a relax journey with air-conditioning system then Saintmartin paribahan is best option for you . The ticket price of Dhaka to Khagrachari saintmartin paribahan is   750 tk (business class).Everyday 3 buses of saintmartin paribahan travel Dhaka to Khagrachari and Khagrachari to Dhaka.

Saint Martin Paribahan Counter Number:

Khagrachari Counter: 01970-864497

Kalabagan Counter: 01317-479142

Check Also : Shanti Paribahan

#Desh Travels| Best bus Dhaka to Khagrachari :

Desh travel in premium bus services in this route ,basically this travels is a combination of ac bus and non ac buses .if you want a comfortable journey then Desh Travels is the best bus to go Dhaka-Khagrachari. The ticket price of non ac bus is 650 Tk and ac bus is 1500 Tk .

Desh Travels Counter Number:

Khagrachari Counter: 01970-864497

Kalabagan Counter: 01317-479142

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#Shanti Paribahan | Affordable bus to go Khagrachari: 

Shanti paribahan is the king of this road , Shanti has both non ac and ac bus available . In this Dhaka – Khagrachari road most of the trip are from shanti paribahan .

Shanti Paribahan Ticket Price:

Dhaka to Khagrachari shanti paribahan ticket price is 800 Tk non ac and ac bus ticket price is 1200 Tk.

Counter Number:

Khagrachari Counter: 01970-864497

T. T. Para Counter: 01317-479142

#ECONO SERVICE | Best Non ac bus:

Econo service is another best quality non ac bus services in Dhaka – Khagrachari road , the ticket price of Dhaka to khagrachi is 800 Tk.

Ticket Fare:

Dhaka to Khagrachari non ac bus ticket price is 800 Tk.

Counter Number:

Abdullahpur counter: 01970-864497

Khagrachari counter: 01317-479142

Dhaka to Sajek valley bus ticket price:

Actually there is no bus will go directly to Sajek Valley because the road is not compatible with busses . The route permit is only for CAR ,CNG , Bike, Chander Gari (One kind of Zip). So if you want to go Sajek valley from Dhaka with bus you have to go first Dhaka to Khagrachari , let’s check Dhaka to Khagrachari Bus Schedule :

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Dhaka to Sajek valley bus ticket price:

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In this article we try to write about Dhaka to Khagrachari bus schedule with ticket price . If you have any question about Dhaka to Khagrachari bus schedule or ticket price ,please comment down below we try to reply as soon as possible .